Global Directory of NAI Practitioners
Find a Neuroacupuncture Practitioner Near You
Over 414 licensed acupuncture practitioners and physicians have begun the Comprehensive Training in Neuro-Acupuncture Program (CNTP) since the Institute's inception in June 2017. CNTP is a three-level, post-graduate specialization course which takes one and one half to two years to complete. The program is designed so that practitioners can immediately begin to implement Neuro-Acupuncture into their practice after the Level I training, with continued access to an online network of support from colleagues and professors from the Institute.
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Pink Pins Drs. Jason & Linda Hao & other Experts in Neuro-Acupuncture
Green Pins NAI Faculty & Supervisors
Bronze Pins Graduates of the CTNP, Level I
Silver Pins Graduates of the CTNP, Level II
Gold Pins Graduates of CTNP, Level III