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FAQ's About the Comprehensive Training in Neuroacupuncture Program:

Are CEU's offered for the training program?
Yes, the Neuro-Acupuncture Institute is an approved provider with NCCAOM. NAI is also approved to provide CEU's in the states of California, Florida, and Texas.  21 CEU's are available for Level I, 28 CEUs for Level II and 35 CEU's for Level III.  For each day of training you receive 7 CEUs.  So, 3 Days for Level I @ 21 CEUs, etc.

Must I complete all three levels of the training to receive certification? 
The CTNP is made up of three levels, each an intensive, stand-alone training. Level I is a three day intensive, Level II is four days, and III is a five day intensive. Between training, practitioners have access to a private, online chat room where practitioners engage with each other and NAI Professors about the use of Neuroacupuncture and application to specific cases. Each level must be successfully completed in consecutive order to receive certification. 

Is financial aid available? 
NAI offers interest-free payment plans with a $500 deposit for each level.   Please email us to discuss: